threshold stimulus neuron

Coherent behavior in neuronal networks - Google Books Result.
Jul 18, 2011. Representation of dynamical stimuli in threshold neuron models. Tatjana Tchumatchenko*, Theo Geisel and Fred Wolf. * Corresponding.
Summary of Postsynaptic Activity. To reach the threshold potential, the axon hillock of the presynaptic neuron must receive multiple stimuli. fig. 1.
Ionic Mechanism Underlying Optimal Stimuli for Neuronal Excitation.
The Action Potential.
SparkNotes: Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain: Neurons: Cells of.
Stimulus-dependent correlations in threshold-crossing spiking.
Understanding the Transmission of Nerve Impulses - For Dummies.
Chapter 6: Neuronal Signaling and the Structure of the Nervous.
threshold stimulus neuron
threshold stimulus neuron
Stochastic resonance with a mixture of sub-and supra-threshold.Jul 18, 2011. Representation of dynamical stimuli in threshold neuron models. Tatjana Tchumatchenko*, Theo Geisel and Fred Wolf. * Corresponding.